- #Rimworld mod harmony install
- #Rimworld mod harmony Patch
- #Rimworld mod harmony mods
- #Rimworld mod harmony code
In both cases you must also copy 0Harmony.dll to your Mod folder (where the modinfo.xml and your built dll reside). If you downloaded Harmony from Github you will have to add 0Harmony.dll as a reference in your project.

#Rimworld mod harmony install
If you have Nuget then you can install Harmony into your solution via Nuget, otherwise head to their Github page: and get the Harmony DLL that way. Harmony is a C# library that will need to be added to your project. It works great in games and is well established in titles like 7 Days To Die, BattleTech, Besiege, Cities:Skylines, Kerbal Space Program, Oxygen Not Included, Ravenfield, Rimworld, Sheltered, Stardew Valley, Staxel, Subnautica, The Ultimate Nerd Game, Total Miner, Unturned and many more. Harmony gives you an elegant and high level way to alter the functionality in applications written in C#.
#Rimworld mod harmony code
Harmony allows the mod maker to inject their custom code into the existing code structure, without the requirement of having to override Old World's GameFactory class. The answer comes in the form of a neat little library called Harmony.
#Rimworld mod harmony mods
How can we get around this? As a mod maker, how can we support other DLL mods to work with ours? If, for example, the player wanted to enable two DLL mods then only one DLL mod would actually work correctly. Players in Old World are allowed to enable multiple mods for their game setups. However this does present an issue in Old World as only one mod is able to completely override the GameFactory class. This allowed you to have your own custom classes and methods to override the default ones. ModSettings.Factory = new CharacterListGameFactory() In the previous tutorial Putting it all Together we did this by the following line of code. Up to now, the DLL modding I have demonstrated on this site required the overriding of the GameFactory class to create your own separate GameFactory object. Harmony is a 3rd party library for patching, replacing and decorating. Thread.Using the principles learnt in the Creating Old World Mods tutorial, this tutorial will take you through the requirements of setting up a DLL mod that supports Harmony.

#Rimworld mod harmony Patch
Using Harmony to optionally patch other mods for the sake of compatibility.Components - GameComponents, WorldComponents, and MapComponents.ThingComp - Learn all there is to know about ThingComps.Custom Comp Classes - A quick overview of what types of Comps there are, and what they're suited for.Def mod extensions - Add (custom) fields to Defs.Mod settings - Add settings to your mod.The wonderful things you will want to do with C#.Alter Code at Runtime with Harmony - this is a best practice for modifying game code, replacing C# code injection to reduce Mod Conflicts.PatchOperations, replace specific xml elements of core files while keeping the rest untampered.Adding a New Weapon, Trait and Research to the game.These guides have been made with the most recent version of Rimworld in mind and are being updated to reflect changes in the game. Steam mod descriptions don't use markdown, they use a form of BBCode.Your Preview.png must be under 1MB to upload to the Steam Workshop otherwise you will see "Error : Limit Exceeded".Owning it on Epic or GoG etc is not enough, both Steam and Tynan have confirmed this. If you want to upload your mod to the Steam Workshop you must own the game on Steam.Modding Troubleshooting Tips and Guides.Mods can add, remove or alter the content of other mods (including the Core mod) in the broadest sense of the word. A mod is a folder containing data the game reads/loads.